

  After seven years of construction, the Shenzhong Link opened to traffic on June 30. This mega sea-crossing project, integrating bridges, islands, and underwater tunnels, has set 10 world records -- five for the Shenzhong Bridge in the west and five for the Shenzhong Tunnel in the east.

  This project will slash travel time from Shenzhen to Zhongshan from around 2 hours to less than 30 minutes, further connecting the Greater Bay Area and bringing new development opportunities!

  四川的大型水库数量明显落后于全国平均水平。按照水利部制定的水利水电工程等级划分及洪水标准,库容1亿立方米以上的是大型水库,库容1千万到1亿立方米的是中型水库,1千万立方米以下的是小型水库。  解决工程性缺水问题,需要从工程入手。俞淞认为川南干旱问题的解决方式应该是“加固水库,完善调水工程,加大农田灌溉节水设施建设”。

白玉兰红毯| 跟好朋友不再联系的原因| 父亲去世男孩忍痛高考如愿上岸| 观察丨小龙虾的“中场战事”